Permanent Life Policy plan
Does this coverage continue after I leave my current job?

This coverage is portable, so you are able to continue this policy after you leave the District.

Who can purchase this coverage?

This is a new coverage available to be purchased by district employees under the age of 71. The premium is based upon the employee’s age at the time of enrollment, but the rates for the policy remain unchanged until the age of 120.

The employee’s spouse may also be enrolled for the lessor of $50,000 or 50% of employee benefit amount. The premiums for spouse coverage are based on the spouse’s age at the time of enrollment.

A child can also be covered for up to $25,000.

Can I still sign up if I use tobacco?

You can still sign up for the plan if you are a tobacco user, but there are different premiums for tobacco users and non-tobacco users.

How much coverage does the plan provide?
  • Coverage for employees is guaranteed up to $150,000.

  • The employee’s spouse may also be enrolled for a benefit up to lessor of $50,000 or 50% of employee benefit amount.

  • A child can also be covered up to $25,000.

  • The benefits reduce at age 70 or after 10 years of coverage, whichever is the longest.

Do I need to get screened by my doctor before applying?

During Open Enrollment, there are no medical questions to complete when applying for coverage.

Are there payment options for the event of terminal illness?

The plan includes a unique Accelerated Benefit rider that gives you the option on how you are paid in the event of a permanent chronic condition or terminal illness.

  • If you are diagnosed with a terminal illness, you can request a one time lump sum benefit of up to 50% of the life insurance benefit to be payable.

  • If you are diagnosed with a chronic condition, you can choose a one-time lump sum benefit of up to 50% of the Life Insurance Benefit

  • Or you can choose periodic payments in the amount of 4% of the Life Insurance Benefit (maximum of 25 payments). Each additional periodic payment must be separated by a period of 30 days or more. Any payment made under the Accelerated Benefit Rider will automatically reduce the Death Benefit payable under the certificate by the amount paid under the rider. If periodic payments have been made for a chronic condition and you later request a lump sum benefit for terminal illness, the amount payable will be less any amount paid previously under the rider.

  • Once a lump sum benefit has been paid under the rider, no further benefits will be paid and rider coverage will end for the insured.

Who do I talk to if I have questions

For questions about the Permanent Life Policy, call Aflac at 800-433-3036.