Emergency Transport

MASA - Medical Transport Solutions (MTS) is in the Peace of Mind business.


Did you know that the national average cost for a Ground Ambulance is $2,000 to $5,000, and the national average cost for an Air Ambulance is $50,000 to $60,000?

We are here to protect you from the shortcomings of your health insurance coverage by providing you with comprehensive financial protection for all lifesaving emergency transportation services 100% of the time both at home and when you are away from home. Watch our video to learn more.

Covered Services

Emergent Plus  

  • Emergent Air and Ground Transportation - Covered by any emergent provider in all 50 states and Canada for any air or ground emergent transport.
  • Repatriation (Bring you home) /Recuperation Transportation - covered in all 50 states and Canada
  • Non-Emergent Transport
  • Click here for additional information.


  • Emergent (Emergency) Air and Ground Transportation, many benefits are worldwide
  • Non-Emergent (Non-Emergency) Air Transport and Repatriation (Bring you home)
  • Pet and Vehicle Return
  • Minor Children / Grandchildren Return
  • Mortal Remains Transport

And many more… Click here for the full list.

Filing a Claim

Click here for instructions on how to submit a claim.

Rates per pay period

Helpful Resources

Website: www.masamts.com

Claims: ambulanceclaims@masaglobal.com

For more information click here or call MASA at 800-423-3266